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Laundry Day
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Taryn never did like to do laundry. She was more willing to drive to Walmart to buy more underwear than just wash the ones she had, and this was often the case. She always heard that idle hands were the devil's workshop, so she kept herself busy with aerobics, art, reading, anything that allowed her to forget about the growing mountain of laundry in her closet. Sure, we've all heard this expression, but most have been fortunate enough to be ignorant of the dangers of idle laundry. It soon overtook the closet, spilled onto the floor, began to take on a life of it's own. Some say they could hear it breathing.
Taryn, never one to take a hint, went about her business as usual, as the mountain grew to an immense height, engulfing most of the furniture and Taryn's rather unlucky roomate. Soon the massive pile of filth formed an immovable barrier between her room and the outside world, but Taryn had thankfully invested in some Tae-bo workout tapes the month before, and was therefore relatively unaffected by this blockade. One night she curled up in her loft and drifted into a deep sleep. She was rudely awakened by the feel of something tightening around her neck, and she didn't need to be able to see in the dark to know that her own sheets had betrayed her. She tried to scream, but it was hopeless as her own pillow pounced upon her face and she realized her friends couldn't get in the room anyways. And Amy, poor girl, hadn't been seen in days. In the darkness she could make out the black form of the laundry mountain before her, shifting and bending as if alive. Suddenly, it began to speak... "I lost 14 pounds on the Slim Fast diet plan!"
As she began to ponder why a laundry monster would have the nerve to imply she needed a diet, Taryn noticed her hand involuntarily gravitating toward the end of the bed. Without a thought, she sent her alarm clock flying across the room and it was quiet again. Taryn sat up, looked around, and found her pile of dirty clothes where they had been before: everywhere. She scratched at her scary bed-hair, and then got up and did her laundry.

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