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Sarah and the Unicorns
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One day, while Sarah was searching the woods for her lost cat, she met a talking unicorn named Sebastian. Sebastian was a very young unicorn, and he wanted to play with Sarah. But Sarah explained that she was busy looking for her cat. "She disappeared four months ago," said Sarah, "she must be around here somewhere." Sebastian said he would help her find her cat, but only if she agreed to meet his friends first. "Of course!" said Sarah, and off they went, deep into the woods to meet the rest of the unicorns.

When they got there, it was eerily quiet. Not a bird chirped, not a frog croaked, and the wind didn't even blow. Suddenly Sarah noticed that she and Sebastian were surrounded by unicorns. "How nice!" exclaimed Sarah, "I've never met so many unicorns before!"

An older unicorn stepped forward and spoke to Sebastian. "Well done, young one, you have exceeded our highest expectations." Sebastian tossed his head and smiled widely, and Sarah could see that his teeth were quite pointy. She wondered why a unicorn would need such pointy teeth.

The unicorns pressed in and curiously poked their horns at Sarah. "That tickles! Ow! Okay, that kinda hurts!" The unicorns looked at each other eagerly and Sarah spoke, "I'm happy to meet all of you, but Sebastian promised me he'd help me find my cat after I came here." The older unicorn stepped forward and addressed Sarah. "What does your cat, look like, my dear?"

"White, with gray stripes," said Sarah.

The other unicorns glanced at each other but said nothing. "What? Have you seen my cat?" she asked.

The unicorns only glared at her in silence, and Sarah wished a bird or a frog would break that horrible silence. She looked up towards the tree tops. Where were all the animals? As if sensing her question, the old unicorn stepped close to her. "Yes, we have seen your cat," he said, "We have seen many cats. And dogs. But you're the first human we have had among us in many years." The other unicorns pressed closer than before, so that Sarah could feel their breaths on her skin. "Sebastian here,” the old one continued, "went on his first hunt today. And we are very proud."
Hunt? thought Sarah, then she saw once again Sebastian's pointy teeth as he began to smile with pride. The others smiled as well. As she looked around at the pointy smiles closing in on her, Sarah started to feel something was wrong. The unicorns pressed in even closer, and suddenly she realized why everything seemed off. "I forgot to record Scrubs!" she yelled, and then everything went black.

The End.

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