Where Is Taryn?

Jammy Jimmy
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One day while he was sleeping, Jimmy's older brothers thought it would be funny to pick on him just a little. They went to their mother's pantry and took out 5 jars of her best strawberry jam, reached their hands in (without washing first), and smeared it all over Jimmy as he slept. Jimmy soon woke to the angry sounds of his mother, shrieking furiously from the kitchen. He quickly leapt out of the window before she could take out her troubles on him.
--Ending 1--

Unfortunately, Jimmy's family lived on the 7th floor of their apartment complex. Poor Jimmy.

--Ending 2--

Jimmy landed safely on the lawn and continued on his way to school. On his way there, he came across a swarm of gnats. "Hello, gnats," said Jimmy, though gnats ears are much too small to be any use to them, but they can smell jam! The gnats smiled and followed him down the street. Soon, Jimmy and the gnats met a hummingbird. "Hello, hummingbird," said Jimmy. Contrary to popular belief, hummingbirds do understand English, but they choose not to listen most of the time. The hummingbird started to turn up its beak and flutter away, but he caught the scent of jam and flittered gleefully to Jimmy's shoulder. The hummingbird called his friends and soon they joined him on Jimmy's shoulder, arms, and head.

'My, how many new friends I'm making!' thought Jimmy, though the tingling sensation would have alerted any other boy that the gnats and birds had begun to feed. But Jimmy was special, so he continued on his way to school. As Jimmy and his new friends passed the river, a large hippo wandered into the road and blocked their path. "Hello, Hippo," said Jimmy, whose skin had begun to hurt a lot, "would you like to be my friend too?" The hippo, who had followed his nose when it caught the scent of blood and jam, cracked a very sly smile and replied, "I would love so very much to be your friend. You look a little tired... let me carry you the rest of the way to school in my mouth."

Jimmy happily agreed, and climbed in the hippo's mouth. He suddenly noticed that the burning, tingling sensation had stopped and wondered where the rest of his friends had gone. Moments later, he didn't think or feel anything at all.

The End.

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